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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Twitter Tweets

I have given in and joined Twitter. You can follow me here.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Handbook Update

Hey there!
Things are moving along for the production of the Handbook to Handmade.
There are 9 spots left.
We are trying to get those spots filled, so come check the book out.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Finally... New Items!

Here are the pictures of the items that I promised from my previous posts; "Featuring...Shrink Plastic" and "New Items".

You can see more pictures in my store; thumbelinacreations.etsy.com

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Featured in a Book!

I came across a really neat idea. Have your store (Etsy) featured in a book that gets promoted worldwide! With 210 Etsy artists featured in 6 volumes, the handbook to handmade is a small cut of very talented artists from around the world.

"The Handbook to Handmade" is a 80 page monthly volume of 35 Etsy artists and their shops. This is a promotional tool that is used to help promote artists and Etsy. Timothy Adam is the creator. And it is now time for Volume 7.

Now I have become a part of it all. My store is to be one of the shops featured in Volume 7.

If you would also like to be featured, visit TimothyAdamDesign.